Why Acadiam And Me?


We understand that looking for and finding a job can be daunting and scary. We know that it can be frustrating and seem to be a waste of time. 

At Acadiam we have a way to help change that feeling. We understand that the system does not work for everyone, nor does it understand everyone’s unique experiences and capabilities.

So, we have developed a program, which we call ‘Revelations’ that will help you to understand why you should get a job, who you are and what jobs and career you would be really good at.

Through our Revelations Program we can then provide guidance on the best job and career for you.

By understanding the real you, we can show you the way to your future.


We believe that in order to learn you firstly need a good teacher.

A teacher who has ‘walked in your shoes’ and one who can teach you, not from textbooks or manuals, but through doing and demonstrating.

Based on our ‘first nations’ traditions we will show you how you can look ahead into your future, a positive future that shows you how ‘what you see, you can be’ and we will then take you on your journey through stories.

A journey that takes your own individual story and turns it into reality.

You will learn not just about a particular skill for a particular job, but actual real-life skills that can get you worthwhile employment, that you will take with you throughout your life and then give your lessons back into your community.


At Acadiam we want to help you into a job, but just as importantly, we want to help you turn that job into a long-term career.

Taking guidance from our traditions, where each generation learned and passed on those learnings, our model relies on you becoming teachers yourself, and being continual learners, so that you can help teach and educate your family and the next generation of jobseekers.

Through ongoing teaching, both digital and face-to-face, we continue to nurture and build our work family so they can continue to grow, upskill and make a meaningful contribution to community and country.

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